Gemmy Woud-Binnendijk
Dutch contemporary artist graduated goldsmith
+ 31 06 45352883
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Her creative path began with liquid pigments and a but,brush, as life so often does, her path took her away from painting. In claiming space for her creative practice, Gemmy, picked up a camera and started experimenting. Through the manipulation of light and pixels, Gemmy began creating work that exists somewhere in-between painting and photography.
What happened to be the lighting conditions of 17th century, has become an aesthetic that layers velvet colours across a canvas of deep shadow and glinting highlights- to create an image full of shadow, light with a beautiful stillness in-between. "Beauty, for me, is to create an image where all the elements melt and then come together solidly.
To tell a story through the use of lines, light, colour, and, the contrast between them." Led by her intuition and an obsession to create; as if she was moving liquid pigments on a canvas, For Gemmy, each detail is lovingly obsessed over and refined- from the backdrops that she generally paints herself, to the costumes, setbuilding, styling and post production.
Gemmy Woud-Binnendijk
«This became a way for me to paint again»
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In March 2016 photography changed her live. Attracted to the light, which was used by painters of the golden age. Her great passion of painting and drawing was refound in photography. Combining the Chiaroscuro principle , and the Sfumatotechnique, she uses dark and light contrasts to create depth. Through layering colours and tones she creates soft and imperceptible transitions. Combined with the love for people and a strong creative urge, a nowadays portrait in the light of the past is born. Gemmy, born mid seventies, is a mother of 5 kids , a 100% coffee addict, autodidact, a sensitive and caring artist, with a never ending creative urge. And always patient to catch the ‘other side’ of a person.
Gemmy's works claim the spaces in-between with each work expressing a divine transition
It's all about
Gemmy's artworks become a depiction of real
things not quite grounded in reality. Each of her painterly
photographs expresses a beautiful stillness; a stillness existing between awake and asleep.
between the tradition of painting and photography, between the painters of the past and artists of today, between analogue details and digital pixels, between reality and fantasy, between the banal and the ideal, between light and shadow and between textured motion and pearlescent stillness. A modern story in the light of the past is born.
«Beauty, for me, is to create an image where all the elements melt and then come together solidly»
96 x 155
Opposite dreams
163 x 118
98 x 70
93 x 88
The Thief
90 x 85
The Patroness
150 x 115
150 x 114
The one 2
163 x 118
Diving into the unknown
150 x 114
Who am I
75 x 96
135 x 110
140 x 102
Wealth I
Masterclass / events
6–7 July 2024
Two-day masterclass
Location: Netherlands
6–7 July 2024
Two-day masterclass
Location: Netherlands
17–19 August 2024
Exhibition Kantmuseum Horst
Location: Netherlands
17–19 August 2024
Exhibition Kantmuseum Horst
Location: Netherlands
24–26 September 2024
Lecture PI Nijkerk
Location: Netherlands
24–26 September 2024
Lecture PI Nijkerk
Location: Netherlands
6–8 September 2024
Lecture photodays Brussel
Location: Netherlands
6–8 September 2024
Lecture photodays Brussel
Location: Netherlands
Best of PhotoVogue
Gemmy Woud-Binnendijk
+ 31 06 45352883
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The project is not commercial, all photos are the property of Gemmy Woud-Binnendijk
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